Happy Valentine's Day!
Today I am sharing some sweet images
of some romantic tiny winged spiritual beings.
Tiny winged spiritual beings ? ? ?
I originally planned to refer to these images as cherubs.
According to Webster's dictionary,
one of the definitions of cherub
is a beautiful winged child that is represented in art.
OK, that definition fits.
But then,
I questioned whether these were images of Cupid.
Can you have more than one image of Cupid
depicted in a single piece of art?
Again, according to Webster,
cupid (with a lower case c)
is a winged infantile figure representing Cupid,
often holding a bow and arrow.
OK, one of the spiritual beings
is carrying a quiver filled with arrows.
Cupid or Cherub? What do you think?

Today I am sharing some sweet images
of some romantic tiny winged spiritual beings.
Tiny winged spiritual beings ? ? ?
I originally planned to refer to these images as cherubs.
According to Webster's dictionary,
one of the definitions of cherub
is a beautiful winged child that is represented in art.
OK, that definition fits.
I questioned whether these were images of Cupid.
Can you have more than one image of Cupid
depicted in a single piece of art?
Again, according to Webster,
cupid (with a lower case c)
is a winged infantile figure representing Cupid,
often holding a bow and arrow.
OK, one of the spiritual beings
is carrying a quiver filled with arrows.
Cupid or Cherub? What do you think?

Antique Postcards from my Personal Collection,
PFB Publishers, Series No. 8032,
This forum reveals random thoughts and reflections on topics of interest and events impacting the life of the founder of Doll in the Looking Glass. Our boutique specializes in custom designed dolls that look like your child. We also design toddler and baby dolls that look real using vinyl doll components manufactured in Midland, Michigan USA by Apple Valley Doll Works. The goal of Doll in the Looking Glass is to delight our customers with our creations.
1 comment:
What romantic vintage Valentines, beautiful. So different from the ones it have, mine are very child like. Thanks so much for stopping by, Laura
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